Monday, September 5, 2011

Egshell Pots

Back in the winter time, I found an idea for a peat pot alternative. Somewhere on the internet, someone suggested using eggshells. For a month, whenever I made cookies I would break the eggs carefully so that one end would be large and intact. I saved the eggshells in egg cartons until I had amassed about 5 dozen eggshell pots. In March I filled the pots with soil and planted tomato and eggplant seeds. Germination rate was pretty good, but the plants never got very big. The deal breaker, though, was the smell. I had to keep them in my bedroom. Guess what, my bedroom smelled like wet soil with overtones of rotten egg for over a month.
Cute little darlings, aren't they? The tomatoes didn't transition well to the outdoors; less than half survived. I blame the weather. The eggplants did surprisingly well. Here they are in late July.
Now they have lovely purple bobbles on them. I'm going to need some recipes involving eggplant soon.


  1. Ratatouille to the rescue! Yuuummmy! Allrecipes has some good ones. Makes good usage of your other garden goodies too. ;)

  2. At the end of the summer, i pulled up the plant to check on the roots. There was a ball of roots inside where the eggshell was. Apparently, the roots don't easily penetrate the egg membrane. I don't think i'll be using this method again.
