Sunday, April 11, 2010

Children of a future Tyrant

General Conference was a wonderful reminder last weekend. My spirit is feeling stronger, and I feel more motivation to crack open the scriptures or to sit down at the piano for a few hymns. I want to learn how to remember that I am loved. It doesn't come naturally for me.
My baby is walking all over the world now. She ran away from me in a store and hid. She rides on a little toddler riding toy outside. She attacks my legs. She walks this way and that, all around the house with something cute to do. Pretty baby girl with a baby monster side.
D, the 3-year-old, has been having serious insecurity issues for months now. It starts in the morning, crying and unrealistic demands and his parents just want to sleep safe from the world. I hug him a lot, tell him I love him a lot, praise him a lot, and discipline him consistently. Eventually, this should work on him.
A is being an easy child. He draws his pictures, plays out his explosives and super hero fights, and asks to play computer games. Isaac told someone that he wants A to grow up to be a gamer, and I screamed in anguish.
I would rather my babies grow up to be cowboys than stunt their progress completely with video games. I may very well disown a child who tells me they want to make video games for a career. I hope that this is the only instance in which i can be called a tyrannical mother.


  1. I feel for you and been there myself. Steve announced that our children must know the art of gaming. The girls have to get high math degrees and homemaking or music is out of the question for a college that he pays for. He calls it fluff degree. I say that a women should prepare to be a functioning mother and wife and juggle society as well. Like making costumes for the play ect I don't believe it is the women job to seccure a degree that will support a family. that is clearly roll reversal "just in case" she was alone. Believe me i would be better off if l learned how to better interact with my community or at least cook and clean om my famly's schedule.

  2. Totally with you on the gamer boycott - Occasionally playing of video/computer games can be fun, but if I ever get to have children there will be no D&D, WOW, Halo... I will shoot my computer first.
